
"why do you have to make the bacon so curly?"

im eating a bacon baguette, but its not very nice.
im a big fan of the food group known as BCBs* but this bacon is too burnt. plus its smoked and we usually have normal and we've also got a different brand of chilli sauce which, while nice, isnt quite as nice as the stuff we usually get.

Arrested Development was GREAT last night!
"i blue myself" "theres got to be a better way to say that"
"Tobias went to the Blue Man Group audition to be seen. unfortunately, as it was twilight, he wasnt" [Tobias is hit by a car]
oh, and Oscar being arrested and beaten at least 4 times because the police mistake him for his twin brother George snr.

its all good.

after that i watched Doctor Who - Spearhead from Space. apparently it was the first episode with Jon Pertwee after the regeneration from Patrick Throughton. it was quite good. very cheesy. it had the Autons in, no Nestine Consciousness though, just the Nestine people and their Autons. some nice "im being attacked by i giant plastic tentacle" acting from Mr Pertwee. i didnt know that the coat he wears with the little half cape thing on the back was actually nicked from a doctor. the type that works in a hospital.

this morning i woke up really early, annoyingly, and listened to Chris Moyles talking to Eugene from Big Brother. he sounded like quite a nice person, if a bit too similar to Jon Tickle from last year.
then i ordered pretty much Kevin Smith's entire back catalogue of films: Clerks 10th anniversary edition, Mallrats, Chasing Amy and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. Dogma is the only one missing, because i already have it on video. im ashamed to admit that Dogma is the only one i've seen, but i have been meaning to watch the others for ages.
only set me back about £40, and thats including Dodgeball: a True Underdog Story too.

im going to watch them all in order, but not all in one go. past experience has taught me that i start to doze off during the third film in a row. thats the main reason why i've only seen the start of Day of the Dead. must watch that before Land of the Dead comes out....

after that i watched the original Amityville Horror. it was really boring, although there were one or two good bits. not gonna bother with the remake.

i think thats all i have to say for now....on weds i've been invited to Katie Gobles house (see TTotLD2) for a "Pizza and Friends night". not sure if that just means our group of friends meeting up to have pizza or if it means our group of friends meeting up to have pizza and watch the american sit-com Friends. the second option is quite likely considering shes my bestest mate Mark's girlfriend and most of his life revolves around Friends. give him any quote and he can tell you the character, episode title, episode number and series. could he be any more obsessed?

Gah! have to be at work in an hour....

*burnt crunchy bits


Anonymous said...

give him any quote and he can tell you the character, episode title, episode number and series.

Well, to be fair, I think most of the GWC would be guilty of that. Though obviously not with Friends.

You like Eugene, yay.

Anonymous said...

"this morning i woke up really early, annoyingly, and listened to Chris Moyles talking to Eugene from Big Brother. he sounded like quite a nice person, if a bit too similar to Jon Tickle from last year."

Yer he's gotta be the most caring housemate on the show, he is a nice person. Wow I'm still obsessed with BB...gah!

Congratulations about the £30 (I feel like cramming this all into one message - no biggie) you won on Anthony. I wanted Eugene to win but in the end they both won really, which was cool.

I have to go into town now and mess around for a bit. Text you later, babe x

Anonymous said...

i would have bet on Eugene to win, but his odds were 3:1, meaning that if i'd put a tenner on him and he had won i would only have got £3.33 back, which wasnt really worth it.

Anthonys odds were 1:3 and everyone on the radio was saying he was the favorite so i went for him instead.

i was thinking earlier... was Jon Tickle in last years one or was it the one before? they're all merging into one big long series....

oh and Maddie, the GWC have it a bit easier than Mark because we only have 1 series of 9 episodes to remember. Mark has about 10 series of 22 episodes...

Anonymous said...

Jon Tickle was in the year before last, series four. With, you know, Cameron, and Gos, and Fed.

Hmm I probably shouldn't be able to remember that.

Anonymous said...

*whiny voice* Maaaaaaaaatt, how do you put the links of other blogs onto your blog?


Anonymous said...

you have to go to template and scroll through reams and reams of coding til you get to the right place. then you have to edit it.

Anonymous said...

You have really great taste on catch article titles, even when you are not interested in this topic you push to read it

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now. Keep it up!
And according to this article, I totally agree with your opinion, but only this time! :)

Anonymous said...

I read about it some days ago in another blog and the main things that you mention here are very similar