i got a bit bored so i decided to sketch some of my favorite scenes from the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy. as you do.
Below, are two sketches of Marvin in the swamps of Squornshellous Zeta, from Life, The Universe and Everything. you should be able to see a bigger version if you click them...

Marvin Talks to Zem the Mattress in the Swamps of Squornshellous Zeta

Marvin Tells Zem of the Speech He Gave at the Opening of the Cyberstructured Hyperbridge Through the Swamps of Squornshellous Zeta
i've also done one of Arthur and Ford being taken to the airlock by a Vogon guard, but Blogger wont let me upload it for some reason. will try again later.
i decided to call it a day for now after trying to draw a scene from the bridge of the Heard of Gold. i did a very good Arthur, a not bad Ford and then completely ballsed up Trillian.
will have another go at that at some point. and i want to have a go at doing something with Agrajag too....
if you have any requests for scenes from H2G2 (preferably the book or radio versions) i'll be happy to give them a go.
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