
Hokey Cokey Pig-in-a-Pokey

On tuesday I applied online for jobseekers allowance. Woo.

Thursday morning they called back:

Job Centre Person: Hello, is Matthew there?
Mum: Yes, who's calling?
JCP: I can't say, because of the data protection act.
Mum: Ah, you must be the Job Centre
JPC: *coughs*

After mum had woken me up and handed me the phone the job centre woman went through and asked me pretty much everything from the online application again, and made me an appointment at the job centre in cosham for 12 noon on friday.

The next day I went to the job centre, checked in with the security dude, got sent up to room a, where I checked in with a security dudette and was told to sit in the waiting area. At 12:05 I was called over by a grumpy woman who kept putting apostrophes in 'fees'. She asked me half of the questions from the online application and the phone call again, just to be sure, checked my passport to see if I was me, and photocopied my last bank statement and my nationwide book. Then I was sent back to the waiting area for a couple of minutes before being called over by another, much more cheerful and friendly woman.

This woman showed me the details I'd given over the phone to make sure it was all spelled right, asked what sort of work I was looking for and told me about the jobseekers diary and stuff, then told me to come back on the 25th when I might get some money woo!

I've also just applied for a Studio Technician vacancy from Pompey Uni so hopefully I'll hear something from that.


Welcome to the New URL

As the blog hasn't been 'Matts Movie Making Blog' for a number of years, the mmmb.blogspot URL was starting to annoy me, so here we are.

Things are going from bad to worse on the job front. There seems to be literally nothing going anywhere. At least nothing I can actually do that doesn't require a decade of experience.
I signed up on reed.co.uk on saturday. you upload your CV and what you can do and what cities you want to work in and it recommends jobs to you. Out of the 125,585 jobs they had on record, they recommended me......FUCKING NONE! A real morale booster.

Yesterday it had three for me, but two of them were the same job and I couldn't get to where either of the jobs were based anyway.
I've since signed up for Monster as well, and I'm still checking the job centre and all the local job websites.
I think I'm gonna have to start signing on before long.