this week has been a good week for genreal geekery, as you may have spotted from the title.
on monday, i got a piece of british cinema history. the toaster from Shaun of the Dead!
it really is quite impressive. its made of foam stuff coated in rubber and painted. it does look very realistic.
plus it was held by the one and only Simon Pegg and thrown at some guy dressed as a zombie (Mark Donovan acording to IMDb. hey, he was Gregor in Black books too...)
in other news, my green lightabre also came!
i spent a lot of yesterday evening dueling with Luke and John. we convinced Luke that he wants to get the Darth Vader one, and Johns going to bring his Mace Windu one back from the land of the Scots after christmas.
then we can have an uberduel in the courtyard. am also looking forward to my uberduel with Mark and Muscat in Court Lane during the holidays.
am biding on a bag made for two lighting tripods on eBay so that i can stransport them to home and back on the train slightly less conspicuously.
not much else has happened recently. we've almost finished our 90 second film. we only need one or two more shots and to redo the laser bit and we should be sorted, so eyyyy.
i did bugger up my knee slightly during filming yesterday. when i was running to get James' gloves to fix a continuity error i managed to bend my knee while my foot was at a funny angle.
as a result my kneecap popped out and then back in again.
so i staggered to the little bay bit where all our bags and some of our crew were hidden, fell over and sent Luke (different Luke to above) back with the gloves while i lay on the floor for a bit, rubbing my knee and saying 'ow, that hurt'
tis fine now though.
finally, please go over to Maddie 2's blog and show your support for the 'more 463 buses' protest by downloading the protest song, written and performed by Maddie and Maddie 2.
speak to you later. unless something else interesting happens before then, it probably wont be until im back from seeing the League of Gentlemen live with Darren next tuesday. should be good.
toodle pip.

Simon Pegg with my toaster

me with my toaster

me with my shiny new sabre, and equaly shiny old one
That was irony, right, you saying you were trying to get Luke to have Vader's lightsaber? ;-)
Oooooh shinyness...looks good. Am envying the toaster ness too :(
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