
Just had my first lecture

and very good it was too. Scriptwriting for Technologists. i kept thinking of Shari...

basically today he was just telling us what we were going to be doing over the next 12 weeks.
we have to come up with an original idea for a 5 minute story, write a 50 word outline, then extend it to a 2 page treatment.
after that we're writing a 5 page dialogue script and then converting that into a production script

at some point we go into groups of 4 and have to pitch our idea to the other members, decide which ones best, and make the flm for Film Technology in the second semester. sounds good.

i discovered that i wasnt the only Kevin Smith fan as i saw someone dressed as Banky from Chasing Amy on my way from the lecture theatre to my room. i considered putting on my Brody clothes and saying hi, but didnt. he might not have wanted to shake my hand....

i have also just bought some Sea Monkeys off eBay.


Anonymous said...

feck off Spammers!

Anonymous said...

You can delete them, you know.

I'm glad to hear all is going well and that you have found some friends! University sounds like more fun than school :(

OMG I was just on the radio! Sorry I am going to stop telling people soon.