as i looked at this picture, which i havent seen in over a year, i suddenly realised that it looked slightly similar to another pivture i've seen a lot of over the last year:

and then it was only natural to see what would happen if i combined the two. after 2 hours 1 program download and a handfull of technical help sites regarding said program, i found myself with the following:

cool huh?
Hahahaha I LOVE it!
You should post that on every forum you're on, that's fantastic.
Please do more of them.
Hello matty! I'm finally here and commenting.
Lots of Dangermouse love from me and a chainsaw can do nothing but improve the great rodent.
Maybe you could do something for Berk from Trapdoor.
Ps. Does Berk's voice remind you of Robbie Coltrane's Hagrid from the Potter movies?
i knew he sounded farmiliar, but couldnt place it. perhaps thats why :P
hmm.....now what classic horror film would suit Berk......
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