

Anthony...you may look like a twat, but you've just got me £30 quid!

im gonna use it to put towards my Provisional Driving Licence application which i will be taking up to the post office tomorrow, as i have fallen in love with a red Mini Cooper at that place that sell cars in Hilsea. i hope i'll be able to afford it....



Anonymous said...

Seriously. You didn't write for *ages* when I was checking your blog and the minute I go away you've written like six looong entries? I'm going to read them all now, so far I've only read the one about canals and chavs etc... oh and about those motorway signs, I was doing EXACTLY THE SAME THING on the way back from Cumbria today. Weird. My mum thought they should put famous openings to books on them and then you'd have to guess what it was from and they'd tell you on the next sign. But then again, my mum also said "Ooh! Shall we watch something French when we get home?"

PS I will probably come back and keep commenting each time I finish an entry, I'll expect I'll think of more things to say.

Anonymous said...

On headlines: the barber one is as good as the one we saw in Ravenglass - "Sick vandals kill chickens".

CATCF: YES! Yes! That 'candy' thing was so irritating. And they called a plaster a band-aid! Come on. My friend told me afterwards that she actually shook her fist at the screen. Other than that was fantastic, obviously.

BB: Aww, I wanted Eugene to win. Well to be honest I wanted Science to win, and then when he went I wanted Kemal (the one who looks like thingy from the boosh) to win, but all the others were worse than Eugene. Anthony was ok but he was boring. But at least you have £30!

I want £30.

Anonymous said...

And I've seen that Link advert as well! It's good and all.

You know I really haven't talked to you a lot lately, what with having spent the last week complaining about climbing mountains, and also the week before that we had comedy Russian people to stay and I never got on the computer before midnight and you were always gone by then. And where are you now? Eh? Is it the McSlavery?

Anonymous said...

you didnt see me for ages before you went to cumbria cos i was on a narrowboat!

and now...yeah, its mcslavery...