

i hear you all gasping in surprise!
i hear you all saying "but hes no good at titles!"
i hear you all saying "hes been trying to think of a title for months!"
i hear you all saying "i bet its a shite title!"
i hear you all saying "ow!" as i beat you about the head.

it is not a shite title, but its not particularly original either. it is called, quite simply:


i have also, after slaving on it for a whole day, increased the script length to 12 pages! this has, however, got me slightly worried. im pretty much into the third act and the film is only 12 minutes long. that isnt good. im also paranoid that its just a string of in-jokes about my friends who no one else will get/care about.

to help with this i have sent my 12 pages to Shari for her to read and give advice. one things for sure: its certainly not going to be the next Evil Dead. [shakes fist at Sam Raimi] although my excuse will be that he made Evil Dead when he was 19 and im still only 18 until october.

that is all for now. im going to pick up my microphone and some DV tapes from Mark at the Sony Centre tomorrow morning, then i have to face work from 2 til 9 (and probably get a warning for missing it on the sunday even though Donna said she'd sort it all out for me) then its episode three of the frankly amazing Mighty Boosh on BBC3 at 11, then on wednesday i am going to Muscats house, along with most of my cast, for pizza, DVDs and convincing everyone that Muscats Cut Down Star Wars is not a good project to be involved in and TCoM* is.

goodnight people, and have pleasant dreams about Milkmen, lobsters and a whole load of spaghetti

*a note to all Pratchett fans. by TCoM i mean The Curse of Mikeferatu, not The Colour of Magic, althought that would be a good film project to be working on too. maybe in 10 or 20 years after i've made it big....fridge magnets are great....

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