
It's gonna be an interesting couple of weeks

The thing I hinted at that was supposed to be happening tonight has had to be postponed for a couple of weeks so you'll have to wait a bit before I blog it.

Instead I'm gonna go to the Chinese and watch some DVDs. Only problem is the Mai King round the corner, which is closest, seems to be the only Chinese in a 10 mile radius that we DON'T have a menu for. Plus its raining.

You may be wondering why I'm having to fend for myself tonight. or you may not be. I don't know who actually reads this. But anyway, I'm home alone for a bit. My sister Karen has gone camping with the Guides where she's a leader and my parents have just gone camping.
So I'm home alone til Sunday when my sister comes back, and then its just us (and probably her new bloke a lot of the time) til a fortnight on Sunday when the 'rents come back.

No idea what sort of shifts I'm gonna get, hopefully next weeks schedule will be up tomorrow. After this weeks nice shifts I'm half expecting to get three two til elevens and two three til closes.... we'll have to see.

Ah! Its stopped raining...to the Mai King I go.

And we're back. got a bit wet on the way home but it was worth it.
I got special preparation rice, beef chow mein and Hong Kong style sweet n sour pork. should be good. While I was in there another woman came in and ordered four dishes, all of which were chicken. How boring is that? You have to have a bit of everything.

Anyhoo, I'm going to eat now and I cant remember what else I was going to blog anyway. Lets hope these next two weeks fly by so that what was meant to be happening tonight can happen and then I can blog about it as an added bonus.

Toodle pip!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read it *waves*

And now I'm hungry...

P. xxx