
least successful mugging ever.

I just went into town to get out some money so i could go and visit Andrea in Loughborough for the weekend.
On my way back, walking up Crooked Bridge Road (where Luke and Rachel were mugged for fireworks in November) this large guy in a camouflaged jacket crossed the road ahead of me, and then carried on so that i was right up against the fence with him right next to me.

he asked 'got any money?', I took out an earphone (connected to my £200 mp3 player) because i couldn't hear him over Duran Duran and politely asked him to repeat himself. he said 'got any money?' again.
I said no and went to carry on walking, but he blocked my way and said 'what else you got then?'.
so i just pushed past him. he tried to trip me up, but failed, and we both went our separate ways.

initially i was quite shaken but before id got to the end of the road id realised how half arsed and ridiculous it had all been.
better get packing. ive got to be at the station in an hour.

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