
One Hundred Days - Day One Hundred!

Bloody hell. 100 days already? Where did the time go?
I had the idea for this one last week. Unfortunately it hasn't come out anything like I wanted it to. Its still quite cool though.
My favorite bit is the robot from day 91 finally flying. He looks so happy.

Quite a few times over the last 100 days, I've happily finished a picture, uploaded it onto twitpic and posted it on twitter, only to then notice something thats not quite right or could be slightly improved. However, I've resisted the urge to fix it, and stuck to the idea that the twitpic uploaded picture is the final one. Until today. When I realised I'd left out The Thing That Lives in My Room.
So enjoy this Director's (Blogger's?) Cut of my final #100days pic!

I have also decided I'm going to continue doing a daily drawing. I've definately improved over the last few months, and so has my confidence. Plus it's so much fun!
I probably will miss a few days, like when I'm too busy, way too tired, or just can't think of anything, but I will endevour to do more days than I miss.

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