Other than being completely knackering, my first day was rather good. After sorting out some paperwork in another building, I returned to Express FM HQ and found that the guy I was meant to be seeing to show me the ropes had just gone home because he'd decided he was ill. Well...more that everyone else had decided he was ill and made him leave because they didn't want to catch it, which was understandable.
So instead I took the audio from the 3 hours of the urban music show which was broadcast last friday and spent the day editing it down to a 28 minute podcast type thing.
Today began as more of the same. Every tuesday morning, around 8.30, they interview someone from one of the local councils, so first thing this morning I took the 8 o clock hours from the tuesday shows for the last 7 weeks and chopped out the interviews into seperate files.
Then there was a bit of a lull. Vicki explained this is normal. Everyone comes in first thing and is very productive for the first hour or two, but then people start getting distracted and it all falls apart a bit, and then its suddenly lunch time. Everyones much more productive again after lunch.
I, however, didn't have a whole lot to do early afternoon, so I just listened to the soft rock show from the night before, which wasn't too bad. Rob said it was aimed at the older audience, but most of the tracks they played are currently on my iPod, and I enjoyed a live performance of Queen covering All Right Now by Free.
And then I was given a job to do.
I produced my very first radio show!
It was a prerecord for Dave Allen's Christmas Show which should be going out in the afternoon of christmas day, but not sure for certain yet. All I had to do was queue up the tracks, fade up the mic when Dave was due to speak and fade him down and fade up the tracks when they were due to play. Easy. And a lot less scary than I was expecting it to be. Quite fun in fact.
Need to make a couple of edits tomorrow. Just need to trim out a section near the start where I accidentally started playing the first track again instead of the second track, and then replace the start of the penultimate track as Dave started talking to me before I'd turned off his mic.
I still can't really believe something I've produced is going to be broadcast on the radio. Maybe it'll sink in closer to broadcast. Dave also mentioned me by name in one of the links too, which was pretty cool!
For my #100days photo I was going to get one of Dave in the studio, but by the time we'd finished recording I'd completely forgotten, and didn't remember til I was waiting on the train so I couldn't even get a shot of just the studio. Maybe another day...
Instead, here's a photo of the shows track list with a couple of notes, and the CDs with the tracks on. Not quite as exciting visually, but still exciting for me none-the-less.
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