Day 24: On the last day of my Lego advent calenders, the gift behind the final door on the City themed calendar was a Santa minifig with a fireplace and stockings. Then I realised I had two more Santas knocking about somewhere so I decided to dig them out. But now I have three Santas. What do I do? obvious answer: fight to the death! THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!
The vague red and black theme with the spectators wasn't planned. It just sort of happened when I was picking out the minifigs so I went with it . This was also the featured image for the HundredDays website on Christmas day too, so I'm quite pleased with that.
Day 25: Speaking of Christmas day, here it is! I was a bit busy this day, as you can imagine, so I just snapped a quick photo of the tree in the morning, while there were still presents underneath it.
Day 26: I had planned to draw something for Boxing day, but when I saw Frankie sleeping on the roof of his cube I couldn't resist a photo. He doesn't do it as much as he used to, but its nice to know some things never change. The top picture is the picture of the day, Frankie, just a couple of weeks off the old age of 16 months, and below it is a comparison of him in exactly the same place when he was just four weeks old.

Day 27: I'm not really sure what happened yesterday. Again, I planned on drawing something, but somehow time got away from me. Instead, I took a photo of our knitted nativity guest.
Day 28: Derwent has been bugging me to draw him an astronaut pretty much since Day One, so I finally decided to give in and have a go at drawing the Lego space man who was still hanging around and exploring my desk from christmas eve's Santa fight. Really pleased with how well it came out. May have to try drawing some more minifigs over the next few weeks...