
Musings on the universe

earlier today the lovely Paula sent me a handful of joke emails...and its got me wondering about how the universe works...

the exact email that started it all was entitled Irish Flat Screen TV and contained the following photos.

At the time i just thought it was mildly amusing and moved on.
but then....a couple of hours later, i got exactly the same email from my good friend Katie.
now that got me thinking. through what chain of people did this email get to me? does one of Paulas friends know someone who knows someone who knows someone, etc, who knows Katie?
or has someone emailed it to loads of friends whos emailed it to loads of friends whos emailed it to loads of friends, etc, until it reached both Paula and Katie seperately?

i also mentioned that id got the same joke email from two seperate people to Andrea without telling her it was the irish flat screen TV one and then she sent i to me too.

Andrea got it from her mum.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

They wobble but they just wont lie down!

What is up with that?!?!

Superglue them to the floor and not only do they lie down but they don't effing wobble either! Mwah hah hah hah!

Sorry - strange mood...

Ooooooh - I'm famous - I have been mentioned on the same blog that the wonderous James Henry once commented on!

That is strange how everyone has the same email. Makes me think that there is only a limited amount of jokes in the world and we are currently just picking on the Irish....

I sent it first!!!!! Yay!!!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha - wasn't the jesus one just wrong!?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

ah yes, the jesus one was very wrong indeed....