and just like last year, here are some pictures of my room.
its bigger than my room in halls last year. speaking of which, Aidan from my film group is this years warden for Norbury house in the halls. apparently my old is empty this year.
apparently when aidan went in he was expecting all my random crap to be in it. he was disapointed.
not got round to putting up my posters yet. may do that today if i can be arsed.

enrollment went quite smoothly yesterday. i should be getting my loan in on monday, so woo and indeed hoo. i wont be going mad on expensive geekery this year. just reasonably priced geekery :P
seriously though, i wont be buying any lightsabres (the only one id consider getting is Obi-Wan and as far as im aware theres no plans to make one) or expensive replica coats or fake toasters once thrown by Simon Pegg.
i dont know what i will get but it wont be as much/expensive as last year.

it was good to see all my friends again, although apparently James has switched courses so hes technically a smelly first year. dont know if we'll be seeing him again. annoying really as he was the lead role in both our films last year :P
not really much else to say. may put up some more photos later. theres a free stuff fair at uni and i gotta go into town today so id better go get ready.
speak soon

1 comment:
Looks far to tidy and organised to be a student flat...
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