you know the ones i mean.
they usually come when youre quite tired.
they are initially met with great enthusiasm but eventually end up dead on their arses.
and yes.
ive had one.
i was watching CSI: Crime Scene Investigation earlier while musing over my current addiction to late 19th century science fiction novels when it struck me.....what happens if you combine the two...?
ive done a bit of research and had a think, and come up with the following:
Criminal Investigation Department: Victorian London or CID:VL for short.
its pretty much CSI but with less of the technology and more of the sideburns. it'll probably be a webcomic.
lets see how it goes...
greetings human worm-babies

and just like last year, here are some pictures of my room.
its bigger than my room in halls last year. speaking of which, Aidan from my film group is this years warden for Norbury house in the halls. apparently my old is empty this year.
apparently when aidan went in he was expecting all my random crap to be in it. he was disapointed.
not got round to putting up my posters yet. may do that today if i can be arsed.

enrollment went quite smoothly yesterday. i should be getting my loan in on monday, so woo and indeed hoo. i wont be going mad on expensive geekery this year. just reasonably priced geekery :P
seriously though, i wont be buying any lightsabres (the only one id consider getting is Obi-Wan and as far as im aware theres no plans to make one) or expensive replica coats or fake toasters once thrown by Simon Pegg.
i dont know what i will get but it wont be as much/expensive as last year.

it was good to see all my friends again, although apparently James has switched courses so hes technically a smelly first year. dont know if we'll be seeing him again. annoying really as he was the lead role in both our films last year :P
not really much else to say. may put up some more photos later. theres a free stuff fair at uni and i gotta go into town today so id better go get ready.
speak soon

im in a real mood to watch Star Wars...
...but i cant.
because its in a box in the car.
and so is my DVD player....and TV....and computer. and lots of my other stuff.
thats right, im going back to uni tomorrow.
doesnt really feel like im leaving again. im sure it will once ive been squashed in the back of the car for 3 hours though.
looking forward to it (being back at uni, that is, not being stuck in the car for 3 hours), it was a good laugh last year and hopefully will be this year too. should be more interesting too, what with living with Luke, Rachel and Phil instead of a bunch of malaysians.
i hope Phil is in tomorrow, or ill have to sit on the doorstep.
oh well, as Charlie Chaplin once said "im leaving! and i wont return until i have come back" or something along those lines....Buster Keaton is much better. but now im rambling. been a while since ive had a good ramble, might keep this one going for a bit just for a change, but no, it better not.
ill blog again as soon as im settled in and with an internet connection. probably with photos of my room, just like last year.
still cant watch Star Wars though, can i? grr
because its in a box in the car.
and so is my DVD player....and TV....and computer. and lots of my other stuff.
thats right, im going back to uni tomorrow.
doesnt really feel like im leaving again. im sure it will once ive been squashed in the back of the car for 3 hours though.
looking forward to it (being back at uni, that is, not being stuck in the car for 3 hours), it was a good laugh last year and hopefully will be this year too. should be more interesting too, what with living with Luke, Rachel and Phil instead of a bunch of malaysians.
i hope Phil is in tomorrow, or ill have to sit on the doorstep.
oh well, as Charlie Chaplin once said "im leaving! and i wont return until i have come back" or something along those lines....Buster Keaton is much better. but now im rambling. been a while since ive had a good ramble, might keep this one going for a bit just for a change, but no, it better not.
ill blog again as soon as im settled in and with an internet connection. probably with photos of my room, just like last year.
still cant watch Star Wars though, can i? grr
tiddly pom
not really anything that interesting happening at the moment.
last night i went for a meal with andrea and both sets of parents so that they could meet each other, and i think that went quite well. both our houses are a building site so they had lots to talk about :P
i only have 14 hours of McLabour left before returning to stafford...and thats happening this saturday! quite looking forward to it. have a couple of early starts though, and im not just across the road from campus any more. ill have to get up slightly earlier than quarter to 9....
in the mean time, other than those last two shifts at McDs, im pretty much just packing while working my way through my DangerMouse box set. slightly puzzled about that though. on the front of the box it proudly shouts 'Every episode ever made!' and on the back it says the show ran for 161 episodes, but if you count the episode titles printed on each disk, it only comes to 90. wheres the other 71?
ive sent Mark a text asking if he wants to go to the pub thursday night, but that almost certainly wont happen. probably wont even get a reply. but never mind.
Hopefully seeing Andrea one last time before we both head back to uni on wednesday, although im sure it wont be long before one of us visits the other once we're both settled in up there.
thats about it really. back to packing i suppose. hopefully ill get a reply from my landlord about the keys to the house tomorrow....
last night i went for a meal with andrea and both sets of parents so that they could meet each other, and i think that went quite well. both our houses are a building site so they had lots to talk about :P
i only have 14 hours of McLabour left before returning to stafford...and thats happening this saturday! quite looking forward to it. have a couple of early starts though, and im not just across the road from campus any more. ill have to get up slightly earlier than quarter to 9....
in the mean time, other than those last two shifts at McDs, im pretty much just packing while working my way through my DangerMouse box set. slightly puzzled about that though. on the front of the box it proudly shouts 'Every episode ever made!' and on the back it says the show ran for 161 episodes, but if you count the episode titles printed on each disk, it only comes to 90. wheres the other 71?
ive sent Mark a text asking if he wants to go to the pub thursday night, but that almost certainly wont happen. probably wont even get a reply. but never mind.
Hopefully seeing Andrea one last time before we both head back to uni on wednesday, although im sure it wont be long before one of us visits the other once we're both settled in up there.
thats about it really. back to packing i suppose. hopefully ill get a reply from my landlord about the keys to the house tomorrow....
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