

this afternoon im gonna see Andrea for the first time in aaaaages! its been two whole weeks! im meeting her down Gunwarf and we'll probably be getting a burger king (the enemy!) before going to see Snakes on a Plane. looking forward to it :D

so whats happened in the last two weeks?

well last week was just pants. i was working every afternoon til evening except thursday so i couldnt really do anything during the day, and on thursday i was planning on going to the cinema on my own just to get out of the house, but Andrea complained because i was going to see Snakes on a Plane because i didnt think she would be interested when it turned out she was. just realised it might be because of the plane, what with her studying Aeronautical Engineering an' all.
instead i just ended up watching DVDs all day.

the week before was slightly more interesting though. i went to devon for my aunts wedding. i was expecting lots of drama because no one really likes Julian that much, but in the end it went quite smoothly.
i was right about my grandma getting drunk though. i have an entertaining video of her singing Delilah with my cousin. if it somehow finds its way onto Google Video or something i might have to post it on here ;)

i think thats pretty much it. id better go finish getting ready so that im not late for Andrea.


Anonymous said...

Bet you were late!

Hands off my NES!!!!

Anonymous said...

actually no, i was early and Andrea was late. nearly missed the film cos of her :P

i must have looked like an employee when i was waiting for her because a nervous fat man came up to me and nervously asked me what the showing times were for Nacho Libre. i just pointed him in the direction of the big poster with all the showtimes on....

Anonymous said...

You do seem the sort that would work at a cinema but not one of those big commercial ones but a smaller independant one with only seven customers who only go to midnight showings...

Anonymous said...

its funny you should say that. i was thinking about applying for the cinema thats just around the corner from where i used to live.

it was the first cinema in portsmouth, and opened by some film star (cant remember who though...)
i usually make a point of going to see at lease one film there when im home, although i havent this time....might have to go and see The Wicker Man on thursday just to see how badly they've ruined it....