we also found a d*sney shop where Andrea was magnetically drawn to all the Winnie the Pooh stuff. as much as i hate giving d*sney my money, i did end up getting a Buzz Lightyear.
we went see Da Vinci Code on monday, which was very good. Ian McKellan was great as Leigh Teabing, but lets face it, when isnt he great?
i've heard they're already starting to adapt Demons and Angels. will be interesting to see if they keep it as a prequel or turn it into a sequel considering they removed all the references to it from Da Vinci.
we didnt really get up to that much for the rest of the week. we did go and play pool on tuesday. i beat Andrea by either 4 games to 1 or 3 games to 2, depending on whether or not you follow the rule that you lose if you pot the black but then the white goes in too. (i do. Andrea doesnt)
and before you start saying i should have let Andrea win, if i had she would have complained cos shes too competetive :P
anyhoo, now im back in stafford and very bored. most people seem to have gone home already. Sanchia's still around so i might go and annoy her later.
im mainly occupying myself by packing stuff i can survive without between my parents visiting on the way home from my sisters until next saturday when they come back to pick me and the rest of my stuff up, and downloading Green Wing, Doctor Who and Family Guy. am just waiting for episode 1 of Green Wing to finish (apparently its going to take another 12 hours. its been going for at least 2 days) then i might watch both series back to back.
thats pretty much it really. oh and i did a stupidness test i got off Helens blog. turns out im totally smart :D
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