where do i start? ah yes...visiting Andrea in Loughborough
i went on the thursday and came back sunday afternoon. we spent most of the time watching Family Guy and having a good laugh with/at each other. On friday night we added alcohol to the equation and that proved to be a most entertaining night.
on one day Andrea cooked me steak and chips with peas and onion rings.......my favorite.....we also had my second favorite, chinese takeaway. t'was yummy indeed.
hmm...what have i done since then?
we've started filming for our Film Tech assignment, after quite a few false starts.
we did two shoots in the common room, one all afternoon, the other from about 9 til 1.
both were pretty much unusable due to shite sound quality and general poor shot setup
we've done many shoots of the street scene, all of which were ruined by either rain or the camera chewing the tape or varous other reasons.
then, eventually, we finally got to Derwent's aunts flat, did a whole day of shooting where we were getting excellent shots that looked really professional...only to find at the end of the day that nothing had actually come out on tape. no idea why.....it was really annoying. actually 'it was really annoying' is an understatement
anyhoo, we've since been back and got some useable footage. it looks like it could turn out to be quite good.
other filming news, i helped out Sanchia by being a zombie for her group. well....Lead Zombie and Corpse #1!
for the role of lead zombie i had some latex, tissue and red watercolour paint put on my face and wore my Ash from Evil Dead shirt which i had conveniently kept from halloween.
then i stood on top of a small hill looking disgruntled, then i notice the hero of the film, so i look even angrier, half point, half reach out in his general direction, speak something in zombieish (a random string of rasps, growls and gurgles i made up on the spot) then start to lurch forwards down the hill towards him as my zombie hordes come up the other side of the hill.
Corpse #1 was much more fun. i lay in the mud with raw sausages injected with honey and red food dye hanging out of a large tear in my shirt. then my future housemate Luke (not to be confused with film group Luke) ate them off my stomach :P
apparently it looked really good. i dont have any photos of either of my roles at the moment, but i know some were taken. ill do my best to get some asap and put them up on here.
im sure some other stuff happened, but i cant remember right now :P if it comes back to me i will be sure to update it.
but for now i will skip forward to Tuesday the 21st March where me and Aidan travelled to Stoke to see The Mighty Boosh Live!

Howard [dressed in military uniform]: woooould you like some piiiiiiiiiiiie?
Vince [kneeling on the floor with a banket wrapped round in a mother teresa style]: no i would not like some piiiiiiiiiiie
Howard: WHYYYYYYYYYYY would you not like some piiiiiiiiiiiie?
Vince: because laaast time you give me some piiiiiiiiiiiie i cut into the crust and millions of biiiirds flew out. they hit me in the eyes and temples.......it was a trick piiiiiiiiiiiiiie! whyyyyyyyyy do you give me trick piiiiiie?

lots of ad-libbing going on. i think he may have really pissed off Noel when he gobbed on him as Spanish Man.
Dr Pipe: Hello! I am Dr My-Car-Broke-Down
Fuck-It-Up-The-Exhaust-Pipe. Yes, its German
[Howard and Vince try not to corpse]
Vince [about halfway through the scene where Rich spat on him]: I just found something on my cheek and put it in my mouth. that had better not have come from you...
[vince drops to his knees and rocks backwards and forwards in disgust]
Vince: you know i can get you fired!

Basically Howard lets the Hitcher out of the box he was imprisonned in for crimes against humanity (he fucked a dolphin)
the hitcher then kills Naboo, the shaman, and makes a break for freedom.
Bollo, Naboo's ape farmiliar, tells Howard and Vince that to bring Naboo back to life they must find the Ruby of Kukundu which is either in the tundra or Spain. so Howard heads off to the tundra to look, and Vince goes to spain where he meets Rudi (to the left)
theres a good feature about it here
it was a VERY good show. im just disappointed that my camera had died by the time Old Greg showed up. hes possibly one of my favorite characters.
after the show we hung around the stage door for about an hour in the freezing cold with quite a few other fans. it was worth the wait though. I met Rich Fulcher, Julian Barratt (Howard/Rudi/etc), Mike Fielding (Naboo) and Noel Fielding (Vince, Hitcher, Old Greg/etc) and got them all to sign my programme!!!
Mike is TINY! he only came up to my sholder, if that.
the Electro girls just breezed past about half an hour before the guys and i didnt see Dave Brown (Bollo) at all. ah well. will have to get them another time :P
think thats about it for now.....walked into town yesterday as it was the first actually nice day of the year so far. perfect temperature with a nice cool breeze. put me in a reet good mood.
will blog again soon....hopefully wont take as long as it did to do this one....
1 comment:
Hi Matty *waves*
This entry is possibly the most I have ever known of The Mighty Boosh Live and it sounds cool!!!
I am gonna have sooo much catching up to do of good stuff that has been on while I have been galavanting. Still, the weather here makes up for it...
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