on saturday Andrea arrived from luffbra to stay for a few days because she is a lucky bum and has the week off.
after her arrival our days were pretty much full of wandering into town and back, eating chinese takeaway, watching films and TV programmes (mainly Family Guy), eating bacon sandwiches, getting drunk, eating pizza, quoting Family Guy at each other, annoying each other and generally having a good time.
this afternoon we walked into town and she caught the train back to Portsmouth to visit there for the rest of the week before returning to uni.
now im feeling a little lonely and depressed because i have no one to watch Family Guy with....
however, we have decided that next time i go to visit her were going to watch all for series and the film back to back, so that will be fun.
last week i went to my first lecture in my elective module, Introduction to Programming 3D Applications. it was FUNKING boring. i switched modules asap and am now doing Geometry and Dynamic Character Design.
i had my first tutorial in Char Design today, which is pretty much how to draw manga, and its a lot of fun.

My first attempts at manga

and the profiles

and finally three quarter views. ive been told the top one looks a lot like me....
cant wait for next weeks tutorial, but before that i have to endure an hour of History of Film tomorrow morning...
speak to you later, you ragamuffins. hopefully it wont be so long til my next blog.
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