
late night blogging.....you know you love it!

i've had a great day today!

i woke up originally at about 8 or 9 when i rolled over with my face about an inch from the wall and also, i discovered as i opened my eyes, quite a large spider (about an inch including legs). i went to get my glass and a bit of card to evict it, found the glass was wet, dried it, dropped the towel, found the spider had gone, got back into bed and went back to sleep.

while i was asleep i had a strange dream where i met Lawrence Grey who was one of my best friends at primary school and i recently met again cos hes a McDonalds Till Monkey, and we went for a deli sandwich at a McDs. we were sat by a window chatting (cant remember what about) and outside everyone walking past was in a dodgy looking gorilla suit. next thing i remember, im on an open top bus which is made of wood and packed with people. the driver challenged us to find a hedgehog and we spotted one almost immediately. then we passed through a big wooden gate and drove down Ashley Walk which is a tiny pedestrianised road in Portsmouth. either we were smaller or Ashley Walk was bigger.

i seem to remember having a very similar dream before.
now this dream got me thinking that perhaps i'd drempt the spider too, because the glass was back by the sink and i didnt remember putting it there, but the towel was on the floor. perhaps i drempt the spider but did go to get the glass and dry it, i just didnt remember cos i was still mostly asleep.

i woke up properly at 12, decided i didnt have enough time to go into town and back before the post room opened and closed again, so i bumbled around on the internet before going to get my post at 1. i got 6 cards, which (judging by the handwriting) includes one from Deppy, one from grandma, one from nan, one from my aunt, one from i have no idea who and one which looks like it might be Maddie, but she said she sent a letter not a card, unless she lied just to confuse me...Oh! it could be from Emma... thats probably it. My Sea Monkeys were also delivered.

then i think i just bumbled around on the net for a bit longer and then went over to my friends' flat. now theres a security system where to get into someone elses flat theres an intercom system so they can find out who you are before pressing the button to let you in. i couldnt remember what group of flats my friends were in and was just about to press the button i thought it was when John appeared, also wanting to be let in. he pressed the button (i HAD chosen the right one) and we were let in.

in the flat it was just me, John and Luke (none of whom actually live in that flat) because Rachel and Sanchia had gone into Stafford. Rachel returned, bringing her parents, and me, John and Luke went to meet Sanchia at the bus stop before going off to the Animé evening.

that turned out to be a complete shambles. half the people thought it had been cancelled, no one had the key for the lecture theatre, when they got the key they couldnt log onto the computer, and when they'd done that the film they were meant to be showing wouldnt work.
at that point me, John, Luke and Phil (one of Lukes friends from Birmingham who'd come up for the evening) left (Sanchia stayed to see the film they were showing instead) and then we went down to the Lounge for a few games of pool.
i was useless, but also quite pleased that the Strongbow was only £1.50 a pint.

we were walking back to the Halls when we met Bungle (not his real name...) and a very attractive girl called Amanda, who happens to be on my course, selling glow sticks at the bus stop. we stayed with them for a bit, wearing glow sticks, singing to Queen (with Luke accompanying us on Bungles didgeridoo), and generally having a laugh.

Luke went a bit mad with the glowstick sales and started chasing after people. the bouncers at Legends (the student union club, next to the Lounge, the student union bar) apparently had a go at him and as Bungle was selling things without a licence which is slightly illegal we legged it back to my room and hid there for a bit, chatting about the Darwin Awards and things Germans do with gerbils...

after we thought it would be safe we wandered back to the bus stop to wait with Bungle for his bus. Luke was summonsed by Sanchia to go to her room to sort something out, and we chatted about more stuff in general until the bus came and Bungle left.
at that point Phil was also summonsed so we took him to Sanchia and Rachels flat and then went on to Amandas room. there we met another girl whos name ive forgotten who sent us on a quest to rescue her african figure which had fallen out the window. this included a daring stunt invovling John giving me a leg up to climb over the bike sheds (they're only about 5 foot tall), jumping down the other side, passing the figure over then using the wall to climb back up and over.

we returned triumphant to Amandas flat, did more general chattings about stuff, and scrapped plans to go to Johns room to watch the film we were meant to watch on Animé night because Amanda was tired and wanted to go to bed. John went back to his room and i went up to Sanchia and Rachels and watched the Nightmare Before Christmas with them, Luke and Phil while eating Malteasers and drinking a bottle of Becks which i didnt like much. we also watched Vincent, a short animation by Tim Burton about a boy called Vincent fantasising that hes Vincent Price which i was very happy about cos ive wanted to see it for years.

throughout the film Rachel and Luke kept talking, which Sanchia was obviously very anoyed about. shes a lot like me...
afterwards they were sorting out their sleeping arrangements and i told them they were welcome to come to my Malaysian Food Extravaganza on sunday because its my birthday, and Rachel said something about us having to go out afterwards. i got her number so that i would be able to contact them (i did get Sanchias earlier in the evening, but she left her phone in the lecture theatre where they showed the animé so she probably wont be able to get to it til monday)

When i got back to my room at about half 1 i thought i should probably blog about my good day while i was still feeling good and could remember it, but was distracted by the massive number of emails i'd recieved since i last checked in the afternoon (FIVE!!!!) which included an email from Deppy.
that made my day even better because she told me shes going to do something about her depression which means i wont have to worry about her as much.

after that i trawled around everyone elses blogs until i got to mine (havent checked Shari's yet because all my favourite sites are sorted into alphabetical order and Shari's Blog comes after My Blog).
then i blogged, which you are reading now, so i dont really need to tell you about that.
think i might be getting tired now.

tomorrow i WILL go into town because i need bottled water for both me and to bring my sea monkeys to life, and i still need 2 white long sleved t shirt-y things to wear under my blue t shirts. i still want to buy the Scream mask and cloak too....

i started typing this at 2am....

[yawns] good night people....its my birthday tomorrow!!!!!!

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