

The house I'm living in has been leased to someone else for next year.
This means that if I go straight into my 3rd year of uni, which is what I was thinking of doing, I will have nowhere to live while I'm doing it. My other option is to get a work placement for a year. I have no placement and nowhere to live wherever this non-existant placement may be.


On boxing day, Andrea's cousin said he had some contacts that might be useful in finding a placement, but Andrea's since said this might only be for a limited value of 'useful'. However I don't seem to have many options so I'm going to have to get in touch with him and see what he comes up with. If that proves successful, then jobs a good'un, if not I'll just have to write to various studios/whatevers and see if they'll take me.

If I can get a placement in/around London this may also solve the housing issue. Earlier this month I received an email from my cousin saying it was good to see me again over christmas, and I was welcome to stay over at his house in London whenever I wanted. I'm not sure if he had for a whole year in mind, but you never know.

If all that goes tits up I'm going to have to find another place up here. Dave's said I'm welcome to move into his house, but the rent is at least double what I'm paying now, and theres a chance ill have to live with James....

If THAT fails.....I'm going to have to find a dumpster with free gas and electricity and a broadband connection....

I think thats all my worries for now....we shall have to see....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thats oki then, have you not noticed the abumdance of Dumpster that not only have free gas, electric and broadband but also come complete with security in the form of large homeless person with no teeth called alfred.

On the minus side they don't tend to have running water...