
im home!

yup, yup! im back in Portsmouth!

im sorry, i havent blogged in a while but there hasnt really been much to say.

the League of Gentlmen Are Behind You ROCKED! so many hilarious moments...shame i cant remember them all....

[Pauline in full pantomime dame gear] "tonight...for the first time....round about half past ten.....[looks at watch] oh, it is an' all.....for the very first time in history.....its gonna start raining.......PENS!"

Pam Dooves audition for the Legs Akimbo's Comunativity with Steve jesturing at Reese as Pam saying that Ollie (also played by Reese) couldnt be there for the audition for abvoious reasons.

ah, there was so much more but i cant remember it!

oh, yer, some great visual comedy involving Herr Lipp and and Justin on a bench, but i wont try to explain it cos ill just mess it up...

thursday and friday i was working on my model of my room for 3D constantly with only about 4 hours sleep in between.
i got it finished in time to hand it in, went to the place where you hand coursework in at 4.45 and found they were already shut when they were meant to be open til 5. as you can imagine i wasnt too happy.

i was pretty much screwed because the only other day i could hand it in was yesterday and i was coming home on the saturday. fortunately Aidan was staying til the monday, so we all gave our projects to him to hand in.

if blogger will let me, and if i remember, i will put up some screenshots of my room for you to see when i get back after christmas.

also on friday, after the coursework fiasco was all sorted, i went to see King Kong. you may remember a little while ago i gave a very enthusiastic review of Goblet of Fire (which i now think is a bit too generous for what is mostly an average film). now take that enthusiasm, triple it and then square it. thats how good Kong is!
theres a couple of moments where the CG is a bit overdone, the fight between Kong and the T-Rexes (T-Rexi?) just gets more and more rediculous and theres a bit where Jack Black is blatantly running on the spot in front of a blue screen, but the rest of the film makes up for it. to be honest, those last two things made it more entertaining.

and now saturday. what fun that was....
after the half hour trek from uni to the station at surprisingly high speed considering i was carrying 3 very heavy bags, i arrived at the station just in time to see my train leaving.
i staggered over to the ticket place and asked the bloke in the fish tank if there was any other way i could get to portsmouth. he very kindly printed off a thing with all the connections for me and i staggered back to the platform and collapsed onto a bench.

because i dont trust public transport, especally trains (im paranoid that i'll get on the wrong one and end up somewhere else), i kept getting up to look at the departures board to check the trains time. and i was very lucky that i did.
my train was cancelled. i quickly grabbed my bags, went back to the fish tank (that now had a woman in it) and asked for *another* route. she told me that there was another slightly earlier train that went to Birmingham International. it has just pulled into the platform! i got on, sat down and relaxed.
if id not checked the board and saw the train was cancelled i have no idea how id have got home.

anyhoo, i got off at Birmingham International and didnt have long to wait til my train arrived. which was packed. i ended up stood with my three big heavy bags in the middle of the carriage.
fortunately this was only for one stop and i ended up sat next to a very nice girl who was on her way home to Romsey from Sheffield Uni where she was a second year doing pysiotherapy. shame she was married...
we got talking, cos there was nothing else to do, and after a couple of hours she went to get a Hello magazine. the puzzles pages provided another hour or so's entertainment. i got most of the film clues on the crossword, but was stumped by "Mrs Henderson --------?".
i knew there was a film called that, but couldnt remember the last word....
i was quite impressed with myself for getting the riddle thing from the first line (it was Wellington, by the way) and we did quite well on the clock thingy too.
anyhoo, she got off at Winchester and i went on to Southampton alone. the rest of the journey, and from Southampton to Cosham, was pretty uneventful.

when i arrived home i found grandma had come for dinner. while we were eating she told us about this film she'd seen at the cinema called Mrs Henderson Presents (AAAAAAAARGH!).

sunday was very unventful, and yesterday i went back to work at McDs from 4 to 11...and i enjoyed it!
however i sense the novelty will wear off at some point during my 4-11 tonight or thursday....
tomorrow im having a lightsabre duel with Mark and Muscat. hopefully will put up some pictures.

will probably blog before, but if i dont HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY!

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