
One Hundred Days - Day Sixty One

The mini-Dalek found its first victim today :(

Really pleased with how this came out. It was a really quick job, but quite effective. I just wish I knew why the Lego skeletons have freakishly long arms...

One Hundred Days - Day Sixty

Is a full moon tonight. I love taking photos of the moon. And the moon in general. And all of space. Maybe I should invest in a telescope? Mars was hanging around the moon as well, but unfortunately my camera couldn't pick it up. Curse you 10x optical zoom! you just don't get me close enough!

One Hundred Days - Day Fifty Nine

CYBERMAN! I watched Tomb of the Cybermen today, which is one of my favourite Doctor Who stories and, along with The Moonbase, has my favourite design of Cyberman of all time.

One Hundred Days - Day Fifty Eight

I very nearly forgot today, so here's a rushed, 15 minute drawing of an owl.

One Hundred Days - Day Fifty Seven

After that crap picture of DVD shelves the other week, I promised myself I would only draw for the remaining days, unless I could come up with something creative enough. But I couldn't resist this. it was HUGE and very tasty indeed.

One Hundred Days - Day Fifty Six

A particularly crap panda which I drew in a hurry. Not without it's charm, I suppose.

One Hundred Days - Day Fifty Five

I have been playing a LOT of Batman: Arkham Asylum recently. Its a fantastic game. I'm actually a little sad that I'm coming to the end of it. I hear theres a sequel in the works though, and I'm holding off watching the teaser trailer til I've finished the first game, just to be on the safe side.

Anyway, back to today's picture; The Riddler has always been my favourite Batman villain, right back to when I watched the 1960's Adam West Batman series growing up. I think it was the Frank Gorshin insane giggle that did it. Have to say I prefer the green suit and bowler hat with question marks over them to the leotard costume. Here's hoping Chris Nolan remembers him if theres a Dark Knight sequel...David Tennant has the right look, and I bet he could pull off a convincing insane giggle too...

Hey, he can't be as bad as Jim Carrey. Seriously. Two-Face is possibly my second favourite villain, and that film pretty much ruined both the characters. But I digress... the picture!

The proportions are a little off, particularly in the leg department, but hey, he's a cartoon character, I don't care.

One Hundred Days - Day Fifty Four


Quite pleased with this one.

One Hundred Days - Day Fifty Three

Thought I'd start a theme of attempting to draw random people from the bus into work from memory. After how this turned out, I'm not sure if I'll try it again...

One Hundred Days - Day Fifty Two

A request for some project Mr Bailey is working on.
I present: David Dimblebot

One Hundred Days - Day Fifty One

Another request from Mr James Bailey. He wanted a purple themed picture. Not quite as successful as the yellow themed picture back on day 9, but I like it none the less.

Shoulda moved that bubble bath bottle...

One Hundred Days - Day Fifty

I really wanted to draw something spectacular for Day 50, but unfortunately I was still suffering from a nasty cold. Here is The Eight Doctors instead. Hopefully to be the Eleven Doctors soon? Just need Character Options to get their arses in gear and sculpt Sylvester McCoy and Paul McGann.

One Hundred Days - Day Forty Nine

This is a crap picture, I know. I came down with an awful cold today and felt too crappy to draw anything and wasn't feeling particularly inventive photo wise, so i just took one of my Doctor Who DVD cases on the shelf. Like my book pile photo, it is already out of date. The gaps in the classic series have already been filled, and even more on top of that.

One Hundred Days - Day Forty Eight

Now, this is my personal favourite of the 100 days so far. I have no idea why I like it so much, but it just seems to work. I love it.

I have no idea what it is, but it won't go away. It just stands there.

One Hundred Days - Day Forty Seven

After a 40 day absence, not including Marvin on day 42, the random robots are back. Twitpic decided to name this one Yebog.

One Hundred Days - Day Forty Six

Just took a quick photo today. My big pile of books to read which has already grown, and started to shrink again, since this was taken.

One Hundred Days - Day Forty Five

Today the Classic Spacemen have a dangerous Encounter!

One Hundred Days - Day Forty Four

Wow, got really behind on my updates. Here goes:

This was another self portait, but I put a bit more time and effort into it than the one from day 19.

I should have shaved first. That stubble took ages and just looks weird.


One Hundred Days - Day Forty Three

Another photo of Frankie today:

I would have got a better one of him posing with his head poking out from behind a fold in my duvet but it didn't focus properly and the lighting's a bit off. Might as well upload it here actually.


One Hundred Days - Day Forty Two

"Here I am, brain the size of a planet, and they ask me to take you to the bridge. Call that job satisfaction? Because I don't"

Happy day 42!

One Hundred Days - Day Forty One

Quite pleased with this one. A drawing of my uni friend and former housemate Derwent, who has his own 100 Days Project on the go, based on a photo he sent me. The mouth turned out a little weird, but they always do when I have to draw teeth. Thats partially why I've been putting off drawing the Fourth Doctor....

One Hundred Days - Day Forty

Talking of 2001, with the classic space men yesterday....

We are now living in the year 2010, so I thought it was about time I read 2010: Odyssey Two, in which a team of astronauts and scientists travel to Jupiter to recover the Discovery and find out what happened to HAL 9000, the crew and that Monolith...

So here's a drawing of the Discovery.

Very much enjoying the book, by the way. Not sure what it is about Arthur C Clarke's writing, but he's very easy to read. I may have to look into more of his work as i've only ever read 2001 and a third of 2010...

One Hundred Days - Day Thirty Nine

Bonus pictures today!

First off, this was my main picture for todays 100 days photo:

I just love the space theme, and the original classic space men are my all time favourites. I have no idea why, they're just so simple, and remind me vaguely of the space suits from 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Bonus picture 1: More spacemen, but this time the original Blacktron, who're also cool but for different reasons to the classic spacemen. Also nearby are the M-Tron, who were my favourites when i was growing up, before I'd discovered the classic space men.

Bonus picture 2: Here stands every minifig I've ever owned. Minus a handful of Star Wars droids who wouldn't fit.

One Hundred Days - Day Thirty Eight

Quite simply; robot party!

One Hundred Days - Day Thirty Seven

More snow based stuff. I wanted to draw something, and I hadn't built a snowman, so I drew one instead

One Hundred Days - Day Thirty Six

Two photos in one today. We had a bit of a snowfall so I took a photo, similar to day 30's, but then only an hour or so later, it was so much deeper I had to take another one.

One Hundred Days - Day Thirty Five

Today I drew a Hawaiian Bobtail Squid. Just cos they're so incredibly cute.

One Hundred Days - Day Thirty Four

This is based on a drawing I did a while back. I was chopping up spring onions in the kitchen when I noticed a particularly large and twisty one looked like some sort of tentacle monster. So here he is on a rampage through Portsmouth. The photo is one of several I took way back on day one.


One Hundred Days - Day Thirty Three

I was a little bit late with this one. Didn't expect it to take three hours to draw. The spaceman returns, and this time he has met the first Lego minifig I ever owned.


One Hundred Days - Day Thirty Two

I very nearly forgot about 100days yesterday. I think it must have been because I didn't upload the new years eve pic until the morning so somewhere at the back of my brain a little voice was trying to tell me I'd already done it when I hadn't. Also I was preoccupied with the brilliant finale of Doctor Who featuring the regeneration of poor Mr Tennant.

But enough of excuses. I was determined to draw something instead of just taking another photo (and I had no idea what to take a photo of) so between 11:50 and midnight I drew this quick, rough sketch of the TARDIS.

I very much enjoyed the Doctor Who finale, which was mildly surprising considering RTD's previous efforts, which are usually a little disappointing. A brilliant send off for Doctor ten, and really looking forward to seeing where Matt Smith and Steven Moffat take it in the spring.

One Hundred Days - Day Thirty One

Another photo of Karen and Ash's puppy, now named Ralph, having a pre-midnight nap on new years eve. He is a Bullador, half black Labrador and half bulldog. He's very cute, very friendly, very playful and very inquisitive. One of the children from McFly has bought one of his brothers so he's sort of related to a 'celebrity'.

He was very good at midnight. He seemed a little puzzled by the party poppers, but he wasn't scared at all, and he had a little drink from a glass of wine someone had left on the floor before we stopped him.

One Hundred Days - Day Thirty

Day Thirty was going to be a drawing but then I had an unexpected cinema trip (St Trinians 2. An entertaining enough film, but they pushed it a little too far at the end and it fell apart a bit. Wouldn't have seen it by choice) and I didn't get back til late so I just took a photo out my window.

In retrospect, I should have framed it slightly higher up to have more of the sky and not the wall and car roof, and maybe used the tripod as theres a touch of camera shake.

One Hundred Days - Day Twenty Nine

Uploading multiple photos to blogger in one post is a pain in the arse so I'm gonna do the backlog of updates as single day posts:

First up, day twenty nine. My sister and her husband were meant to be coming to ours for dinner on this day, but then mum had a call from Karen saying they might not be able to make it, as they were in essex, buying a dog. They called in a bit later once they'd finally got back to Portsmouth so I took a quick picture of him on my phone.

This photo was also featured on the 100 days website, which was nice.