I have been playing a LOT of Batman: Arkham Asylum recently. Its a fantastic game. I'm actually a little sad that I'm coming to the end of it. I hear theres a sequel in the works though, and I'm holding off watching the teaser trailer til I've finished the first game, just to be on the safe side.
Anyway, back to today's picture; The Riddler has always been my favourite Batman villain, right back to when I watched the 1960's Adam West Batman series growing up. I think it was the Frank Gorshin insane giggle that did it. Have to say I prefer the green suit and bowler hat with question marks over them to the leotard costume. Here's hoping Chris Nolan remembers him if theres a Dark Knight sequel...David Tennant has the right look, and I bet he could pull off a convincing insane giggle too...
Hey, he can't be as bad as Jim Carrey. Seriously. Two-Face is possibly my second favourite villain, and that film pretty much ruined both the characters. But I digress... the picture!

The proportions are a little off, particularly in the leg department, but hey, he's a cartoon character, I don't care.