My life is currently very boring.
It mainly consists of sitting on my arse in front of my PC, browsing the internet, watching TV or DVDs, chatting to my friends around the country, working my way through the big stack of books i want to read and jobsearching.
Occasionally i'll cook dinner for the family, occasionally i'll see my friends or go to the pub. on wednesday afternoons i push the trolley round tesco with mum and nan, and on alternate weeks i go to the jobcentre to sign on.
Thats pretty much it. All the days are pretty much the same, just with varying degrees of boredom, and occasionally the boredom will stack up too much and i'll get depressed for a few days.
So until something blogworthy actually happens, i'm not gonna bother blogging.
Feel free to follow my updates on twitter though. Theres a feed somewhere over there on the right, ----------------------------------------------------------->
or you can follow me directly here
So thats it for now. I'm planning to take MarkMark, Mary-Anne and Taz up to Stafford in a couple of months to see my uni friends who're still up there and have a BBQ, so i'll probably blog that if it happens.