looking forward to episode 2 tonight.
the weather has finally started acting like it should for the time of year. nice and sunny with a nice cool breeze. best sort of weather there is. puts me in a really good mood.
some days its still quite cold, but thats ok, cos on monday, at long last, after about 4 or 5 months of waiting, my Firefly Browncoat arrived! and very good it is too.

just like Mal's in the series and film, its very comfortable and keeps you warm too. i know of at least 2 FireFly fans who're quite jealous.
and finally, the best thing thats happened all week...
my good friend Andrea who i have known since college and regularly visit at uni in Loughborough, is now my girlfriend. i am VERY happy about this and i believe she is too :P
to finish off a fantastic week, im going home for easter tomorrow. am really looking forward to seeing all me friends again. hopefully will be seeing Katie and Daz sunday evening, then am spending monday with Andrea before going back to her house in the evening for the Havant College Crew Reunion. i havent seen some of those guys since the summer. i really cant wait!
thats all for now. speak to you on the other end of the country!