WARNING - this kinda contains spoilers, but kinda not if youve read the book. if you havent read the book but are planning to see the film, then A) where have you been for the last 5 or so years, and B) read the book first you simple minded little goit!
yes, people, yes it is true. i have seen Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and i saw that it was good.
its much much better than the dire Stone and Chamber, but to be honest thats not hard. i'd say its just a tiny bit better than Prisoner.
the trend seems to be to make the films darker with less 'funny bits for the kiddies', which i like, and theyve also thrown in some funny bits for the older people too (Hermione: "Viktor isnt very talkative. hes more of a physical person" [insert funny look from Harry] and Myrtle with Harry in the bath)
another great thing. they've changed Professor Flitwick. hes no longer Warwick Davies wearing a clingon forehead and funny nose, hes now Warwick Davies with funny hair and a tache and almost identical to how i see him in the books.
to be honest there were still quite a few bits i didnt like. the broomstick/dragon chase was pointless and served no purpose other than to fill the lack of quiddich, and the part with Harry talking to Sirius through the fire was reduced to one scene, which to be honest, wasnt needed.
they also made a big deal about how badly Neville reacted when Moody performed the curse that was used on his parents on the spider, only for it to be glanced over in passing during the flashback of Karkarovs trial in the penseive.
the challenge with the maze was greatly improved however. instead of meeting a series of tests that were pretty much meaningless after the size of the first two challenges it was a much more sinister race through the maze as it continuously changed shape and tried to trap the entrants. and the bewitched Krum made it even better. to be honest i was expecting one of them to stumble across the frozen body of Jack Torrance clutching at his axe (although they wouldnt cos in the original end to The Shining, Mrs Torrence [i forget her name..] goes back to the hotel with the police who search the entire maze and dont find him. but i digress....) it also had my favorite shot of the film (out of the ones that didnt have Fleur in her swimsuit for challenge 2, i mean), which was of Harry with the cup glowing in the background, as he looked back at Cedric being caught up by the maze, but set at an angle.
then we have the graveyard scene. ooooh, the graveyard scene :D
the graveyard scene is what makes this film better than Prisoner.
the general 'wtf?'-ness as Cedric and Harry wonder why they were taken there and Harrys slow realisation. the very graphic death of Cedric. and then.....the return of Voldemort!
the Return was perfect except for three things. Pettigrew looks completely wrong, he was less reluctant to cut off his own hand than i remembered, and Voldemorts voice was wrong. but everythign else right down to how Voldemort looked, was EXACTLY how i saw it. Fan-bloody-tastic.
even after that it was still good. im not one who usually gets emotional at films, but the part where someone shouts out "the boy [Cedric] is dead!" and Amos Diggory runs down to him brought a lump to even my throat.
and then, not long after was what i call the Regeneration Of Evil. or at least thats what ive called it cos it gave me flashbacks to the last episode of the new Doctor Who. Mad-Eye Moody transforming into Barty Crouch Jnr....played by David Tennant!
think thats about everthing i need to mention. oh, and Eric Sykes in his cameo. always good to see.
if i remember anything else i'll tag it on the end later.
ver' good film. not one of my favorites, but still ver' good. go see it. now. this very instant.
by the light of the gibous moon....
hello, my little weblets, im back from Loughborough!
had a reet grand time too. before i start telling you what happened over the weekend, i will say that we watched 9 and a half films, and they were all linked in some way.
they were: The Naked Gun, Napoleon Dynamite, Hot Shots, The Naked Gun 2 1/2, The Mask/Legend of Zorro (whichever ones in the cinema now), Shrek 2, The Naked Gun 33 1/3, Hot shots Part Deux, a Knights Tale and the first half of Shrek.
see if you can work out the links. i'll give you the answers at the end.
i caught the train from staffs and got to Loughborough surprisingly quickly. im sure it was never an hour and a half. i managed to scare Andrea cos i sent her a text saying im at the station (meaning Stafford) which she didnt get til she left her lecture, 20 minutes later, and thought i meant Loughborough. hah. i laugh at her.
after id arrived and met Bad Anthea, as she likes to be known *ahem*, at the station we wandered through the streets of Loughborough and found a hyowge and busy fun fair.
we negotiated our way through to Andreas halls which look a lot older than mine [looks smug] but she also seemed to have a bigger room. although this might just be some sort of optical illusion due to my wardrobe almost reaching the ceiling and hers not.
once there we watched Naked Gun before venturing back out into the cold and darkness to A) take some photos for my film Tech assignment and B) go forraging for pizzas in Sainsburys.
both were successful. (see left for the photo ive chosen to submit and the contents of my digestive system for pizza)
after our victorious return we celebrated by cooking and eating the pizza and then watching the remaining 2 Naked Gun films and Hot Shots.
by then it was about 1 in the morning. we found Muscat was still online and then (delete as appropriate depending on if youre Muscat or not) did lots of naughty things to each other involving hand cuffs, chocolate sauce, lightsabres and sheep/wound up Muscat by saying we were doing lots of naughty things to each other involving hand cuffs, chocolate sauce, lightsabres and sheep.
then to bed. Excellent host as ever, Andrea kept her nice comfey bed and gave me a sleeping bag on the floor.
meh, it wasnt too bad. i slept quite well considering. and when we woke up in the morning (just. it was 11.30) i jumped, still in my sleeping bag, onto her bed for a bit.
after we eventually got up we wandered back into town, negotiating our way through the carnival people once again, and got a Maccy Ds for lunch (mmmmmm.....beef deli sandwich....) before heading round to t'cinema to see t'Legend of Zorro, wich is tres bon. i know the Spanish for 'very good' would have been better but i dont know what it is so nyah. [UPDATE: 'Muy Bueno', according to Maddie]
lots of fantastic fights, a good storyline, a small boy who can act, great jokes, Catherine Zeeta-Jones in a low cut dress and Anthonio Banderas naked [for the ladies] (im sure it should have been a 12 instead of a PG cos of that) and a great action set-piece on a train.
while i was saying what i thought about the film and Andrea was saying what she thought about Anthonio Banderas, we bought some STEAK! and chips and then went back to Andreas where we had STEAK!, chips, peas and onion rings, although she had to cook a second lot of onion rings cos the first lot were....erm....well camoflaged on the black baking tray...
aside from that it was a very good meal. especially the very, very, very, very nice STEAK! which cooked perfectly by the lovely Andrea. yummy yummy. i think i'll be going back to that restaurant again...
after that we watched Hot Shots Part Deux, A Knights Tale and Shrek 2, before going to bed.

today we had a pretty lazy day. got up late, Andrea had a shower then i went for a bath, just for the novelty cos we dont have one here. twas a very good bath despite Andreas flatmats thongs hanging on the radiator...
afterwards we wandered back into Loughborough to find that the fair had mysteriously disappeared overnight, and bought a sandwich and rented Napoleon Dynamite from Blockbuster. i also bought my essential student purchase (see right) .
again, we returned to Andreas abode to masticate upon the aforementioned sandwiches and did look upon the aforementioned film.
during the film we were joined by andreas friend James, who isnt a Muscat or a Mullineaux. hes another James.
after Napoleon was finished we only had about an hour before we had to leave to go to the station, and didnt really have anything else to do, so we started to watch Shrek.
the train journey home was pretty uneventful. i did finish reading Dracula though. t'was very good, and well worth reading. now i get to read THe Liar, Stephen Frys first novel, so woo!
anyhoo. now im home so i think thats pretty much it. think sleep might be a good idea right about now.
Goodnight, you lovely people!
wow...its 12.17. i started writing this at 10.47....
ideally, we would have liked them to all be linked in a continuous loop, or ourobourous if you will, but unfortunately that is not the case:
The Naked Gun
same franchise as
The Naked Gun 2 1/2
also same franchise as
The Naked Gun 33 1/3
written and directed by the same people as
Hot Shots
same franchise as
Hot Shots Part Deux
features both someone pulling off a beauty spot and someone mentioning the joke about a horse going into a pub and the barman saying "why the long face?", as does
Shrek 2
stars Anthonio Banderas, as does
Legend of Zorro (it wasnt Mask)
in which the bad guy is played by the same bloke as the bad guy in
A Knights Tale
this is where it goes a bit wrong. we wanted something to link Knights Tale back to Naked Gun, but thought this might be a bit difficult so:
Napoleon Dynamite
has a mexican character who would have fitted in in
Legend of Zorro
AND in one scene said mexican character, Pedro, makes a pinata in the form of another student and in
Shrek 2
Donkey mentions some guy took him to a party where all his friends tried to pin a tail onto him [donkey, not the guy] and then they all started beating him with sticks and shouting "pinata! pinata!"
oh, yes and Shrek 2 is the same franchise as Shrek
had a reet grand time too. before i start telling you what happened over the weekend, i will say that we watched 9 and a half films, and they were all linked in some way.
they were: The Naked Gun, Napoleon Dynamite, Hot Shots, The Naked Gun 2 1/2, The Mask/Legend of Zorro (whichever ones in the cinema now), Shrek 2, The Naked Gun 33 1/3, Hot shots Part Deux, a Knights Tale and the first half of Shrek.
see if you can work out the links. i'll give you the answers at the end.
i caught the train from staffs and got to Loughborough surprisingly quickly. im sure it was never an hour and a half. i managed to scare Andrea cos i sent her a text saying im at the station (meaning Stafford) which she didnt get til she left her lecture, 20 minutes later, and thought i meant Loughborough. hah. i laugh at her.
after id arrived and met Bad Anthea, as she likes to be known *ahem*, at the station we wandered through the streets of Loughborough and found a hyowge and busy fun fair.
we negotiated our way through to Andreas halls which look a lot older than mine [looks smug] but she also seemed to have a bigger room. although this might just be some sort of optical illusion due to my wardrobe almost reaching the ceiling and hers not.

both were successful. (see left for the photo ive chosen to submit and the contents of my digestive system for pizza)
after our victorious return we celebrated by cooking and eating the pizza and then watching the remaining 2 Naked Gun films and Hot Shots.
by then it was about 1 in the morning. we found Muscat was still online and then (delete as appropriate depending on if youre Muscat or not) did lots of naughty things to each other involving hand cuffs, chocolate sauce, lightsabres and sheep/wound up Muscat by saying we were doing lots of naughty things to each other involving hand cuffs, chocolate sauce, lightsabres and sheep.
then to bed. Excellent host as ever, Andrea kept her nice comfey bed and gave me a sleeping bag on the floor.
meh, it wasnt too bad. i slept quite well considering. and when we woke up in the morning (just. it was 11.30) i jumped, still in my sleeping bag, onto her bed for a bit.
after we eventually got up we wandered back into town, negotiating our way through the carnival people once again, and got a Maccy Ds for lunch (mmmmmm.....beef deli sandwich....) before heading round to t'cinema to see t'Legend of Zorro, wich is tres bon. i know the Spanish for 'very good' would have been better but i dont know what it is so nyah. [UPDATE: 'Muy Bueno', according to Maddie]
lots of fantastic fights, a good storyline, a small boy who can act, great jokes, Catherine Zeeta-Jones in a low cut dress and Anthonio Banderas naked [for the ladies] (im sure it should have been a 12 instead of a PG cos of that) and a great action set-piece on a train.
while i was saying what i thought about the film and Andrea was saying what she thought about Anthonio Banderas, we bought some STEAK! and chips and then went back to Andreas where we had STEAK!, chips, peas and onion rings, although she had to cook a second lot of onion rings cos the first lot were....erm....well camoflaged on the black baking tray...
aside from that it was a very good meal. especially the very, very, very, very nice STEAK! which cooked perfectly by the lovely Andrea. yummy yummy. i think i'll be going back to that restaurant again...
after that we watched Hot Shots Part Deux, A Knights Tale and Shrek 2, before going to bed.

today we had a pretty lazy day. got up late, Andrea had a shower then i went for a bath, just for the novelty cos we dont have one here. twas a very good bath despite Andreas flatmats thongs hanging on the radiator...
afterwards we wandered back into Loughborough to find that the fair had mysteriously disappeared overnight, and bought a sandwich and rented Napoleon Dynamite from Blockbuster. i also bought my essential student purchase (see right) .
again, we returned to Andreas abode to masticate upon the aforementioned sandwiches and did look upon the aforementioned film.
during the film we were joined by andreas friend James, who isnt a Muscat or a Mullineaux. hes another James.
after Napoleon was finished we only had about an hour before we had to leave to go to the station, and didnt really have anything else to do, so we started to watch Shrek.
the train journey home was pretty uneventful. i did finish reading Dracula though. t'was very good, and well worth reading. now i get to read THe Liar, Stephen Frys first novel, so woo!
anyhoo. now im home so i think thats pretty much it. think sleep might be a good idea right about now.
Goodnight, you lovely people!
wow...its 12.17. i started writing this at 10.47....
ideally, we would have liked them to all be linked in a continuous loop, or ourobourous if you will, but unfortunately that is not the case:
The Naked Gun
same franchise as
The Naked Gun 2 1/2
also same franchise as
The Naked Gun 33 1/3
written and directed by the same people as
Hot Shots
same franchise as
Hot Shots Part Deux
features both someone pulling off a beauty spot and someone mentioning the joke about a horse going into a pub and the barman saying "why the long face?", as does
Shrek 2
stars Anthonio Banderas, as does
Legend of Zorro (it wasnt Mask)
in which the bad guy is played by the same bloke as the bad guy in
A Knights Tale
this is where it goes a bit wrong. we wanted something to link Knights Tale back to Naked Gun, but thought this might be a bit difficult so:
Napoleon Dynamite
has a mexican character who would have fitted in in
Legend of Zorro
AND in one scene said mexican character, Pedro, makes a pinata in the form of another student and in
Shrek 2
Donkey mentions some guy took him to a party where all his friends tried to pin a tail onto him [donkey, not the guy] and then they all started beating him with sticks and shouting "pinata! pinata!"
oh, yes and Shrek 2 is the same franchise as Shrek
First up, Halloween pics:

a dodgy picture of me as Ash

Sanchia looks puzzled

Rachel and Luke trying to work out how youre meant to make an origami beaver

Sanch, Dan and Pumpkin with said Origami Beaver

that guy whos name i can never remember in Lukes pirate hat

Dan auditions for the part of Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz
and on friday.....i went home!
twas very very good. on saturday Katie came round in the morning, and we were joined by Emma at 2. we went to see Wallace and Gromit - The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (third time for me)
later on i went to Marks and had a go on his purple lightsabre (something tells me i should rephrase that) before we headed off to the pub and got slightly jovial (but only slightly cos i only had a pint and a half). a good time was had by all. and i made him promice to talk to us online more, and to come to Stafford to visit. so far hes done neither.
on sunday i went out with my family on my mothers side for a meal, where mum and my two aunts tried to take the worst possible photos of each other and there were general discussions along the lines of "who is going to get great-uncle Tony's farting clock?"
monday was quite exciting. i got my hair cut (not yet found a barbers in Stafford...), went to McDonalds and told them when id be back to work, then had a major race against time involving a car chase. ish.
saturday and sunday there had been no trains running in Portsmouth due to engineering work. i walked round to the station with dad to go home but all the trains to southampton were running late, meaning that by the time i got to southampton central id only have a minute to find my train before it left for Stafford.
dad offered to drive me there instead. after driving faster than dads ever driven in mums car and jumping a few lights we got to the station with 2 minutes to spare.
ah, well. i got the train and managed to get home, so thats ok
tomorrow afternoon im disappearing for a whole other weekend cos im going to visit Andrea at Loughborough. should be good.
UPDATE: Paula now has a blog of her exciting times in australia. go read now. see link ---->

a dodgy picture of me as Ash

Sanchia looks puzzled

Rachel and Luke trying to work out how youre meant to make an origami beaver

Sanch, Dan and Pumpkin with said Origami Beaver

that guy whos name i can never remember in Lukes pirate hat

Dan auditions for the part of Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz
and on friday.....i went home!
twas very very good. on saturday Katie came round in the morning, and we were joined by Emma at 2. we went to see Wallace and Gromit - The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (third time for me)
later on i went to Marks and had a go on his purple lightsabre (something tells me i should rephrase that) before we headed off to the pub and got slightly jovial (but only slightly cos i only had a pint and a half). a good time was had by all. and i made him promice to talk to us online more, and to come to Stafford to visit. so far hes done neither.
on sunday i went out with my family on my mothers side for a meal, where mum and my two aunts tried to take the worst possible photos of each other and there were general discussions along the lines of "who is going to get great-uncle Tony's farting clock?"
monday was quite exciting. i got my hair cut (not yet found a barbers in Stafford...), went to McDonalds and told them when id be back to work, then had a major race against time involving a car chase. ish.
saturday and sunday there had been no trains running in Portsmouth due to engineering work. i walked round to the station with dad to go home but all the trains to southampton were running late, meaning that by the time i got to southampton central id only have a minute to find my train before it left for Stafford.
dad offered to drive me there instead. after driving faster than dads ever driven in mums car and jumping a few lights we got to the station with 2 minutes to spare.
ah, well. i got the train and managed to get home, so thats ok
tomorrow afternoon im disappearing for a whole other weekend cos im going to visit Andrea at Loughborough. should be good.
UPDATE: Paula now has a blog of her exciting times in australia. go read now. see link ---->
Halloween, and stuff
i had some photos from last monday, but Blogger is being an arse and wont let me upload them. will try again on sunday. might have some of Sanchias photos then too.
Monday didnt quite go as planned. John randomly dissappeared off to Stoke without telling anyone and Luke had to go to a drama thing. instead, we just sat in Sanch and Rachs kitchen chatting for a few hours, before heading off to the Lounge for a bit, then finding our way to a party in one of the other houses in Stafford Court where i won a game of twister. possibly as i was the least inebreated person playing.
that party kinda broke up after the fire alarm went off, and we went home.
not done much else this week. went to a preview screening of Brothers Grimm yesterday, which was very good, if a bit predictable in places. im really hopeing it does well in the box office so that someone will actually give Terry Gilliam the money to make Good Omens....
well thats about all for now, except im going back to Pompey for the weekend!however, this does mean i wont be online for most of the weekend, but some people will be getting some pretty random text messages when i get bored on the 4 hour train journeys.
anyway, thats all for now. i will return on sunday with (hopefully) halloween photos and tales of what i got up to at home.
toodle pip!
Monday didnt quite go as planned. John randomly dissappeared off to Stoke without telling anyone and Luke had to go to a drama thing. instead, we just sat in Sanch and Rachs kitchen chatting for a few hours, before heading off to the Lounge for a bit, then finding our way to a party in one of the other houses in Stafford Court where i won a game of twister. possibly as i was the least inebreated person playing.
that party kinda broke up after the fire alarm went off, and we went home.
not done much else this week. went to a preview screening of Brothers Grimm yesterday, which was very good, if a bit predictable in places. im really hopeing it does well in the box office so that someone will actually give Terry Gilliam the money to make Good Omens....
well thats about all for now, except im going back to Pompey for the weekend!however, this does mean i wont be online for most of the weekend, but some people will be getting some pretty random text messages when i get bored on the 4 hour train journeys.
anyway, thats all for now. i will return on sunday with (hopefully) halloween photos and tales of what i got up to at home.
toodle pip!
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