

on the Cillit Bang! advert they've reduced the time the old penny is in the Cillit Bang! from 15 seconds to 10...

im a tad tired....

i had a 5 - 10 shift last night. its the longest 5 hour shift i've ever done, because i didnt actually finish until half 12.

as i was just about to clock in Rob asked if i could stay until 11 and i said yes because it meant an extra 15 minutes on my break during the busy bit and i get an extra hours pay for standing around not doing much other than cooking the occasional burger for the drive thru, if its needed.

Mo kept dropping hints that they were going to be short on the close and at about 8, i reluctantly agreed to stay on to just take the unused stock back to the chiller before i left. then, while i was on my break, Rob came into the crew room and pretty much begged me to stay for the whole close, so i just thought 'fuck it. think of the money' and agreed.

I was meant to be doing the kitchen, but as i've never done it before on my own i didnt have a clue what to do, so i just winged it. i took the stock back, as usual i usually do, then thought 'now what?'.
i looked around and decided that the best thing to do would probably be to take everything that needed to be washed out to dive (aka 'washing up') so that Craig could dive it, then i just aimlessly wiped down a couple of surfaces, wandered around a bit looking busy, then started taking the dived stuff back. then i cant remember what i did...Mo had already mopped the floor, so i think it was just putting the dressing table and toasters etc back in the right place, then setting up the breakfast stuff, which is slightly difficult if you've never done a breakfast shift.

i cant have done too badly cos we were allowed to leave at 12.30, instead of the usual 1 AM.
anyhoo, i've probably bored you all with that so i'll think of something else to say.

i've been watching a lot of Fawlty Towers recently because theres a new guy at McDonalds who could only be more like Manuel if he was from Barcelona instead of India. (i managed to reduce Katie to one of her giggling fits just by whispering "this nugget. this four-bag. this smack on head." to her. theres bound to be rumours about us now). to be honest, id rather work with Manuel.

one thing i noticed while watching 3+ episodes in a row is that Basil seems to mention Henry Kissinger pretty much every episode and, more often than not, calls Polly a 'cloth-eared bint'.

havent seen flirty new girl (i do know her name now) since the other day and we arent scheduled to work at the same time at all this week, so i wont see her til after the boat. never mind.



Come with us now on a journey through time and space...

Follow me,
forget the world,
look around,
at the oneness of nature.
Never fear,
everything is here,
and you dont need your friends,
or family.

we're your family.

come with me,
and then you will see,
everything you need within life.
Hey ho,
its easy let it go,
nothing before was real.

Look into our eyes,
you can see the future.
Look into our eyes,
we can see your soul.
We will be together,
everything is good,
you can see it all within you.

Listen to your heart,
everything is good here,
nothing before was real.
Never fear,
everything is here,
and you dont need your friends,
or family.

listen to your heart,
its easy, let it go.
we're your family.
we're your family.
Look into our eyes,
you can see the future.
Look into our eyes,
we can see your soul.
Hey ho,
its easy let it go,
nothing before was real.
listen to your heart,
everything is good here.
listen to your heart,
everything is good here.
listen to your heart,
everything is good.

Sorry about that, but i have rediscovered the amazing surrealness which is The Mighty Boosh, with the second series coming to BBC 3. in fact, i've already seen next weeks episode too, which was just hilarious. "How many times do i have to tell you?! its not a dress! its a robe!"

anyhoo, the dredded week stuck on a narrowboat is drawing ever closer. not much is happening here, really. the most exciting thing thats happened to me in the last couple of days was getting my hair cut yesterday. ooh...a chunnuk has just flown over the house. thats one of them helecopters with the two sets of blades on the top. i think i spelt it right...

anything else? oh, yes. i watched Napoleon Dynamite this morning. its one of those films where you either get it or you dont. I, personally, thought it was very funny. I also have The Horror of Dracula with Christopher Lee as Count Dracula and Peter Cushing as Van Helsing, but i'll save that for tomorrow.

hum...im tired...perhaps i'll have a nap...no news on the film today. I'm going to get the script done on the narrowboat, but i think i mentioned that already...

see ya later


I have a zombie computer...

...either that or its the second coming. actually i think it is. it died on friday, stayed dead over the weekend then came back to life today, on the third day. huzzah, lets all eat chocolate eggs and worship the son of a god i dont believe in who has taken the form of a useless, crappy, ancient, over 5 years old computer!

we didnt put it in a cave with a big rock over the door though...

hum what to say....

OBLIGATORY MOVIE MAKING BIT: im going to spend next week being bored out of my skull on a narrowboat so im going to get my script finished!...well...started at least. there may have to be a major rewrite plot-wise depending on if Fran is still interested in acting in it.

My mate Muscat wants us to film cut down versions of all 6 Star Wars films. i cut them down much further than he did, but i still have a bad feeling about it interfering with my Vamp Movie.

if anyone has any ideas for decent titles for any of my films then let me know.

oh, yeah. when i went into town on the bus this morning (yes i said morning! i got up at 9.15 because Eejit #5 from Big Brother was on the radio and he was annoying me), i suddenly realised what a high population of Chav Scum we have in Pompey. while suitably disgusted with this, it did give me the idea to turn all the zombies from Film 2 into chavs (but still acting like zombies cos...well...theres not much difference. all i can think of is zombies dont have kids and give them awful names like Candice). i'll have to rewrite the end though...

anyhoo: i went into town today to buy some shorts (i only had 1 pair, but now i have 3 cos they were 2 for a fiver in the Officers Club sale. the bloke who served me gave me a funny grin which im slightly worried about. i have a strange feeling that the shorts will suddenly unravel at the seams the instant im in a crowded area) and a Nintendo DS, to help ease the bordom when im not scriptwriting on the boat.

the woman who served me in Virgin Megastore was a bit of an eejit too, just not as much of one as Food Technology from Big Brother. I had to stand and wait for 5 minutes while she called for someone to bring down the console to go in the empty box from off the shelf and then another 10 while two other people turned up to debate whether or not i did get a tenner off for buying the console with a game, despite it saying so on a big sign over the Nintento DSs on the opposite side of the shop and clearly visible from the counter where i was attempting to pay.

after that i wandered round to Game and bought Wario Ware to go with my DS, then came home .
oh, TARDIS to earlier in the morning: while i was standing at the bus stop to go into town i saw an Evil and Suspicious-Looking Man. he was tall and thin, with short grey hair and was wearing a long green raincoat and those little round sunglasses and he was looking around Mysteriously. what made him more suspicious was that he was going into the library by walking up the disabled ramp instead of the stairs. perhaps hes working for Maddie's Dr Evil...(who wears short shorts? Dr Evil wears short shorts!). i also think Stagecoach are losing money because i asked for a return to Commercial Road which is usually £2.70, but he only charged me £2 and when i checked my ticket to make sure he hadnt given me a single by mistake i found hed given me a Portsmouth Day-Rider which is usually £2.80.

anyhoo, TARDIS back to where we were: i caught the bus home, had some lunch and played with me DS until 4.45, then went to work from 5 til 9. wasnt too busy, but i have a nice burn on my arm where i managed to splash it with stuff from the vats we cook the chicken in. im surprised how little it hurt, possibly cos it was only at 182 degrees and im used to burning my hands on the grills which are at 218 degrees...
the burns are blistering nicely.

there was a new girl there today who seemed quite nice. she was a bit flirty with me, so my luck might be changing. i think she might be the niece of one of the managers though, but Paula's on maternity leave so thats ok.

now im back home, catching up on various things i missed while my puter was dead and am marvelling at how they managed to fit Super Mario 64 DS on a card 33mm x 35mm x 3mm when the original Super Mario 64 came on a cartrige 115mm x 75mm x 20mm.

will try to Blog again before i leave for Family Holiday on a Narrowboat Hell, but you never know whats going to happen with this computer. i hope while im there i can get my hands on Rosie and Jim, those two harmless, narrowboat dwelling ragdolls who are really possessed by demons of pure evil so that i can drown them in a lock...


i only wanted to leave a comment on Maddie's blog...

ok. so i was going to sign up so that i could leave a comment on Maddie's blog (http://ironyinmotion.blogspot.com/) and i've wound up with my own shiny new blog. int it wonderful?

perhaps i'll post on this slightly more often than i update my website (http://uk.geocities.com/matthew_farmer_uk)

as with Shari's blog (http://journals.aol.co.uk/shrsmit257/MyStJudesProject/) its officially to inform the hoy-polloy (ie: you) about how my film project is going, but will probably turn into ramblings on my everyday life.
